Decades ago, I came across this profound verse that I liked very much. I liked it because it seemed to express a truth that I resonated with in a way that made intuitive sense:
"Wisdom tells me I am nothing
Love tells me I am everything
Between the two, my life flows."
(Nisargadatta 1897-1981)
Now, as I look back to this verse, I find that it does not fully convey what I now know to be true. So, in an instant of poetic creativity by the grace of God in Christ, I pen these following words:
"Wisdom reveals no one yet everyone
Love is but wisdom functioning
Through centreless space, life just flows."
(Atammayato 1970-?)
In the words of a famous song: "If I can help somebody, as I pass along. If I can cheer somebody with a word or song. If I can show somebody, he is travelling wrong. Then my living shall not be in vain." To which I would add: "If I can point somebody, to the truth of grace. Then my living shall not be in vain." Solus Christus.