Each of our finite minds (thinking, feeling, willing, attending, and perceiving faculties) and bodies (sensing and perceiving faculties) is but a localised contraction of singular dimensionless consciousness of Adam—seemingly infinite but self-absorbed and resistant to God. This self-absorbed and inward-looking resistance is primordial sin.
Worse, this felt boundless and dimensionless Adamic consciousness sees and conceives of itself as God, the great “I am.” This is a misreading of the nondual experience of dimensionless infinitude by the conditioned mind. My mind and body is one of the innumerable localised contractions of Adamic consciousness. So is yours. We are all Adamic. Our Adamic contracted minds and bodies are grounded in Adamic consciousness. All of these are sin-saturated. From the contracted to the seemingly boundless, from the coarse finite to the subtle infinite, we are marinated in resistance to the one true God—this resistance is primordial sin.
But Christ came from above and beyond, in and through His Incarnation, to re-whole Adamic consciousness by removing its sinful opposition to God and re-embed Adamic consciousness into God—the Triune dance and circle of Love amongst Father, Son, and Spirit who is One in perichoresis of dynamic kenotic sunyata and creative outpouring pleroma. This is done by dissolving Adamic consciousness and replacing it with the seed of Christ consciousness.
Jesus the Son is the fullness of Triune God dwelling bodily and through His sinless life and death on the cross, making both possible and certain our new (kainos) relationship of union and communion with the Triune God of Love. Jesus did this by crucifying sinful Adamic consciousness to the cross, spiritually speaking, and recreating a whole new consciousness out of its ashes, that we now have the chance to participate in, as His disciples and witnesses. This is the seed of Christ consciousness that is resonant with Christ consciousness in His immensity and totality.
Not only are we able to revert from finite mind and body back into their source in boundless yet sin-saturated Adamic consciousness (which is possible by self-effort, and possibly with common grace but not salvific grace), we can now transcend this subliminally reified root consciousness to enter the seed of pristine Christ consciousness. This pristine seed awareness opens up to the truly sinless and divine Christ consciousness of Triune communion and mystery, by means of the surprising in-breaking grace and in-pouring love from our Saviour—Yeshua Ha’mashiach.
This new Christ consciousness is not undifferentiated impersonal oneness but vibrantly alive awareness that is intimately relational yet nondually empty of inherent existence. Grasping at inherent existence is reification, occurring at the coarse obvious to the subtlest hidden levels. Such grasping has been seen through and destroyed by the white fire of Christ’s redeeming love.
This short exposition is central to grace-based, faith-enacted, Christ-centred, Spirit-enlivened, Triune-grounded nonduality of a radically different kind. Without true grace through faith, this revelatory realization is impossible for humanity.